Photo by Alex Azabache Td9q XD Hwp9g

What is a Christian?

Written by: Boxhead Team

God is our ‘x marks the spot’ – the source of all treasure, of all things good, of love and peace and security and hope.

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Christians are people who have stepped out into the adventure of faith and who believe that God exists and is revealed in Jesus Christ. A Christian is called by God to trust and follow Jesus Christ on the adventure; to learn from his words and actions; and to share in his mission. Christians believe that God offers us love, forgiveness, acceptance, hope and new life in Christ – this is the Good News. This is the adventure.

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Listen to this song and read the words. These are words from a historic ‘creed’ (a statement of belief) that dates back to the early centuries of the Christian faith about 1,700 years ago. As you listen, see what words or phrases jump out at you – how do they make you feel?

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